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Uninterrupted Pensions: The Crucial November Deadline for Life Certificate Submission Explained

The month of November holds paramount importance for pensioners as it marks the time when their life certificates need submission. Both the central and state governments mandate an annual submission of this life certificate for all pensioners. Failure to comply can result in substantial losses. As per regulations, senior citizens aged 80 and above must submit their life certificates between October 1st and November 30th. Similarly, those aged 60 to 79 need to submit theirs between the 1st and 30th of November.

What happens post the deadline? Failure to submit the life certificate means pension payments cease from December onwards. However, the key point to note is that once the life certificate is submitted, the pension will resume from the submission date. Additionally, any missed pension months will be compensated through arrears. To avoid the inconvenience of pension discontinuation, it’s crucial to complete this task promptly.

Submission Methods for Life Certificates:

  1. Bank or Post Office Visit: Pensioners can personally visit banks or post offices to submit their life certificates.
  2. Facial Authentication: Submission via facial authentication for the life certificate.
  3. UMANG App: Utilize the UMANG app to submit the life certificate digitally.
  4. Doorstep Banking: Avail assistance for submission through doorstep banking services.
  5. Life Certificate Portal: Seek guidance from the life certificate portal for online submission.
  6. Aadhaar-Based Digital Submission: Submit the digital life certificate based on Aadhaar authentication.
  7. Indian Post’s Postman Service: Utilize the Indian Post’s postman service for life certificate submission.

Why is Life Certificate Submission Essential?

As per regulations, the government certifies once a year whether pensioners are alive or not. For verification, submission of the life certificate annually becomes imperative. This certificate remains valid for an entire year and typically requires submission during the months of October and November.

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